Princeton University
Department of Mathematics
is pleased to announce:

Analysis and Applications:
A Conference
in Honor of Elias M. Stein

May 16-20, 2011


A major international conference in honor of
the lifetime accomplishments of Elias Stein
on the occasion of his 80th birthday.

Invited Speakers:

Jean Bourgain
Luis Caffarelli
Sun-Yung Alice Chang
Michael Christ
Ingrid Daubechies
Guy David
Charles Fefferman
Alex Ionescu
David Jerison
Peter Jones
Carlos Kenig
Sergiu Klainerman
Joseph Kohn
Detlef Mueller
Alex Nagel
Duong Phong
Fulvio Ricci
Andreas Seeger
Yakov Sinai
Christopher Sogge
Jeremy Stein
Christoph Thiele
Stephen Wainger
Greg Zuckerman


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